Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Urban Community Development: Field Experience

The Ralph Thornton Centre has partnered again with Ryerson University to offer students and local community members a course in community development. The course is titled Urban CommunityDevelopment: Field Experience, and is based on the principles of interdisciplinary team work and experiential learning, allowing participants the opportunity to get hands on experience in the field of community development.

The students are selected from a wide variety of disciplines and backgrounds, including Architecture, Nursing, Social Work, Politics, Sociology, and Urban Planning. Local community members also become students, adding extra knowledge and experience to the course. The idea for the diverse group of students arose from a sense that community development training should reflect the interdisciplinary nature of real world issues.

The course was first offered in 2005 and focused on the provincial government’s announced intent to build a new energy plant in the Port Lands area of South Riverdale. This original class was considered a success and led to a continued commitment from both Ryerson University and the Ralph Thornton Centre.

This year’s course will focus on the broad theme of housing vulnerability. Currently, Toronto, and in particular South Riverdale, are experiencing an increase in housing costs, which can lead to an exclusive community. The students have just finished a semester of background research and preparation for an intense spring. The students have been hitting the streets for the month of May to engage with the Riverdale Community and discuss the issue of housing vulnerability.

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