Sunday, January 20, 2008

Renters Rights! Information Session

Do you have questions about the way your landlord treats you?
  • Find out what landlords are allowed to do and not do.
  • Meet groups who can help you take action when something goes wrong.
  • Learn your responsibilities and rights as a renter.
Speakers from East Toronto Legal Services (Legal Aid) and the Federation of Metro Tenants Associations will be there to answer questions and provide information.

JAN, 22, 2008 - 2-4pm @ RTCC

visit for more information

1 comment:

Jim91 said...

I would be cautious listening to anything from the Federation of Metro Toronto Tenants Associations after reading how many times they have lied to us or sold out the rights of tenants in return for government funding.

I advise everybody to go to those pages and read things like History of tenant organising.