Thursday, June 5, 2008

Information Links for the OMB Case on Eastern Ave.

For notices on community campaigns and other related news go to the East Toronto Community Coalition web site at and get on their mailing list

For impacts on cycling go to

Three related News items.

1. Recent Press Coverage and

2. Community involvement at the OMB

3. a talk: Activity friendly neighbourhoods

1. Recent Press Coverage

Most recently the Toronto Star had the following Op Ed piece sent by Tim Kirkwood, volunteer with East Toronto Community Coalition (ETCC)

Is retail best for Leslieville?

Please read the Op-Ed piece from the Toronto Star. The paper invited both sides of the issue to present arguments on the subject of employment in the retail sector and specifically as it applies to the SmartCentres' proposed development on Eastern Ave. We urge you to comment on the editorial or on your own view of the impacts the development would have on the
economic health of the community and the city. Use the email link below.

And a response . . .

2. Community involvement at the OMB

The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) has designated a day and an evening for members of the general public to address the Board regarding the proposed SmartCentres application in Leslieville.

The public day and evening will both take place at the OMB’s offices, 655 Bay Street, Toronto, 16th Floor.

The time will be divided as follows:
Thursday, June 12 – Morning Session – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Thursday, June 12 – Afternoon Session – 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Monday, June 16 – Evening Session – 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

THE BOARD HAS INDICATED IT IS WILLING TO HEAR FROM ANYONE, EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOT PREVIOUSLY INDICATED YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE BOARD. However, if the person is an East Toronto Community Coalition (ETCC) member please ask them to contact Eric Gillespie, legal counsel for the ETCC at before taking any further steps.


There will be 25 speaking opportunities in each of the 3 sessions (morning, afternoon and evening – totaling 75) so it is important for people to pre-register early if they wish speak. If more time is required the Board has indicated it will consider at least one more evening session.

To pre-register please contact Leesa Kwong via email at

People who wish to register should be advised that they will be giving evidence. As a result, before speaking they will be asked to swear an oath or affirm their testimony. Each speaker should be clear and concise about what their views are. Their evidence should be based on their own direct experience and knowledge and not on speculation. Their evidence should not repeat the comments of others, if a speaker agrees with a point made by a previous speaker that is all they need to say. Once they finish each speaker may be asked questions by any of the lawyers participating in the hearing and/or by the Chair.

If any more information is required please contact us at the numbers/email address below.


Eric K. Gillespie, LL.B.
Cunningham & Gillespie LLP
Barristers & Solicitors

10 King Street East, Suite 600

Toronto, Ontario M5C 1C3
Tel.: (416) 703-6362
Fax: (416) 703-9111

3. A talk: Activity friendly neighbourhoods, June 16, 2008, 5:30 to 7:30 pm.

How healthy is your neighbourhood?

  • Can you walk to shops and buy healthy food?
  • Is the TTC service frequent and accessible where you live?
  • Are there biking paths and parks in your area?
  • Do you feel safe when you walk around?

  • A recent study seems to indicate a connection between activity friendly neighbourhoods (walking, biking and transit) and the prevalence of diabetes. If you like maps this is for you! They have some great thematic maps showing walkability, physical design features, car ownership, modal split, etc. (some, not all are on line). More great health rationale for bike, walk, transit.

: June 16, 2008, 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
Where: St. Luke’s Anglican Church, 904 Coxwell Ave. (at Cosburn)
Contact: Tory Bowman: 416-461-9043 x343,
Anne-Marie Tynan: 416-864-6060 x2522,

Please RSVP by June 12th.

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